Editor in Chief

Dear authors, reviewers, editors and readers of the Journal of Biotechnology (JB), it is my pleasure to welcome you all to this platform for which I served as the Editor in Chief. I am very aware of the enormous responsibilities entailed as the editor in chief, but promise to approach the new role with great humility, excitement and tenacity in a bid to shape our journal to a formidable standard among other scholarly publications in the chosen thematic areas of the journal. It is our responsibility to work together to develop a concise guiding structure that will provide a secure footing of our journal.

With our journal securing the right footing in the commencement of this service to humanity and the world at large, we will ensure that the JB continue to evolve with tremendous opportunities and advantage for all stakeholder and scalable to radical changes and ethical practices under my leadership as we sojourn in the world of publication and dissemination of vital information.

Our journal will not stop and it shall continue to accept manuscripts for the purpose of publishing high quality research and reviews within its scope. The bulk of our journal content shall remain original research articles with high standard systematic double blinded peer reviews.

I and my editorial team shall encourage all submitting authors to carry out their works under strict ethical standard that can easily be replicated globally for reliability and validity.

To reiterate my earlier statement, double blind peer review remains an important part of our evaluation process for submitted manuscripts.  Peradventure at any point, there arises any criticisms of our peer review process, we will ensure the editorial office acts swiftly to manage the identified gaps.

To our dear authors, it has been proven that there are strong consensuses that manuscript that undergo peer review are often be improved in the reviewers’ comments, observations and criticisms when taken and effected at the right place; this unbiased appraisal method would afford us a whole lot of credibility and trust in all our readers.

To our readers, our editorials and commentaries, will continue to play an important role in considering every avenue to resolve more contentious issues in a manner that is devoid of bias, whereby the reader is allowed to make a well knowledgeable decision on how task at hand should be addressed.

It is vital that our journal continue to have a good balance of article types that falls within the journal’s scope. Working along with the publisher, we will encourage publication of high quality articles which will be widely read and acceptable to boost the impact factor from increased citation. The journal articles are 100% electronic which makes the dissemination faster and a wider international access. The publisher had arrangement in getting the articles published index with some renowned repository worldwide and this will increase the visibility of the articles.

I am very delighted with the pledged support of the editorial team and the members of the editorial office that worked assiduously to put everything together.

Our journal also enjoys the backing of reputable experts on our editorial advisory board, these are high class individuals with undeniable scientific acumen that would guide the editorial team. It is a great privilege to have them onboard.

Lastly, I want to thank all submitting authors, who have chosen JB as the journal they would like to publish in. You have toiled in the production of your work and our prayer is that you will keep excelling in your endeavors

Editor in Chief

Dr. Anthony C. Otigbu

National Health Laboratory Service, Helen Joseph Hospital Laboratory, Johannesburg, South Africa.
